NoK, NoK, NoKKKin

I wrote this song in the ever-evolving language of the Chozen Peoples: Yiddish.

If insulted are thee focus upon the translation to English. Or just fuck yourself.

Take my MAGA HAT & ROBE awayz from me

Kuz I ain’t wearin it anymo

Lookin down at my feets

My Konstitushun trampled on my floor

Take my gunz awayz from me

I kantz shoots them anymo

It’s all gone way way 2 far

We can’t slaughter our childrenz anymo

Take my vote awayz from me

I’ve ben foolded 2 many time befo

My hate has made me 2 blind 2 sea

I’m not worthee anymo

NoK Nok NoKKKin on Maga Hell

I knowz I knowz I deserves it well

NoK Nok NoKKKin on Maga Hell

Plenty of room fars as I can tells

Theyz all gonna be waitin dare 4 me – Donald Rudy Roger

Theyz all gonna be waitin dare 4 me – Bannon Eastman Miller

Theyz all gonna be waitin dare 4 me – Fill in the blank

Theyz all gonna be waitin dare 4 me – Rinse Repeat